Rapid Response: My Man Godfrey

“You mustn’t come between Irene and Godfrey. He’s the first thing she’s shown any affection for since her pomeranian died last summer.”

Of course the thing that Mrs. Angelica Bullock (Alice Brady) is referring to is Godfrey (William Powell), not a pomeranian or another animal but the Bullock family butler. You know, a person.

The Bullock family in “My Man Godfrey” is so hilariously oblivious to how condescending, offensive and even racist they are at all times that the movie is not just some screwball caricature of the upper class or of a select group of needy people but a ridiculously razor sharp, tart and biting comedy about the class divide and the compulsively, unhealthy attachments that people can develop and force them to act out. Continue reading “Rapid Response: My Man Godfrey”